Set up GNU/Linux on your computer
照着 check0 上说的做就好了。
一开始用的是 Mac 装 UTM ,使用官方镜像,再设共享文件夹,好不容易搞定这一步之后 cmake 啥的各种报错,遂放弃。
只好掏出我的暗影精灵 8 ,安装 Virtual Box ,使用官方镜像,设置共享文件夹,注意这里共享文件夹每次开机之后要输入 sudo mount -t vboxsf CS144 <YourSharedFolderPath>
才能将你取名 CS144 的文件夹挂载到 <YourSharedFolderPath>
Networking by hand
照着做,除了华科的 Email 每次都给我关闭 connection 同时不让你用 smtp 发送邮件。
Listening and connecting
Writing a network program using an OS stream socket
Let's get started——fetching and building the starter code
Modern C++: mostly safe but still fast and low-level
C++ 不会捏,只会基础 C with STL 呜呜
Reading the Minnow support code
看看头文件里定义了哪些函数,各自有什么功能和 API 即可。
Writing webget
网上查查 socket 编程大概是个什么流程,再根据 check0 文档和头文件的内容写就好了。
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| void get_URL( const string& host, const string& path ) { TCPSocket socket {}; socket.connect( Address(host, "http") ); string message = "GET " + path + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; message += "Host: " + host + "\r\n"; message += "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; socket.write(message); string rec_message; while (!socket.eof()) {; cout << rec_message; } socket.close();
cerr << "Function called: get_URL(" << host << ", " << path << ")\n"; cerr << "Warning: get_URL() has not been implemented yet.\n"; }
An in-memory reliable byte stream
这一步一开始看到差点没把我愁坏了…一度考虑是否需要先去补补 C++ 的语言基础,直到我看到了 CS144 Lab0 笔记:环境配置和热身 ,感觉好像还好?
于是先写了个两个 deque ,一个是 string 另一个是 string_view ,结果倒在了 Test 8 ,也不知道到底错哪了,而且确实不会 string_view ,于是去掉了 string_view ,之后貌似 Test 4 又寄了?
看了一下,好像是爆栈了还是 string 存不下了来着(忘了 qwq),只好又去掉了 deque 使用纯 string ,终于才过掉了。
byte_stream.hh :
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| class ByteStream { protected: uint64_t capacity_; std::string buffer {}; uint64_t buffered_bytes = 0; uint64_t pushed_bytes = 0; uint64_t poped_bytes = 0; bool _is_closed = 0; bool _has_error = 0;
public: explicit ByteStream( uint64_t capacity );
Reader& reader(); const Reader& reader() const; Writer& writer(); const Writer& writer() const; };
| :
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| void Writer::push( string data ) { (void)data; uint64_t data_length = data.length(); if (is_closed() || data.empty()) return; if (available_capacity() < data_length) { data_length = available_capacity(); } buffered_bytes += data_length; pushed_bytes += data_length; buffer += data.substr(0, data_length); }
void Writer::close() { _is_closed = 1; }
void Writer::set_error() { _has_error = 1; }
bool Writer::is_closed() const { return _is_closed; }
uint64_t Writer::available_capacity() const { return capacity_ - buffered_bytes; }
uint64_t Writer::bytes_pushed() const { return pushed_bytes; }
string_view Reader::peek() const { return buffer; }
bool Reader::is_finished() const { return _is_closed && buffered_bytes == 0; }
bool Reader::has_error() const { return _has_error; }
void Reader::pop( uint64_t len ) { (void)len; if (len == 0) return; len = min(len, buffer.length()); buffer.erase(0, len); buffered_bytes -= len; poped_bytes += len; }
uint64_t Reader::bytes_buffered() const { return buffered_bytes; }
uint64_t Reader::bytes_popped() const { return poped_bytes; }
Author: f1a3h
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